At What Cost

At What Cost PDF Author: Nicholas Freudenberg
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0190078626
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 417

Book Description
An incisive and powerful investigation of corporate impact on human and planetary well-being Freedom of choice lies at the heart of American society. Every day, individuals decide what to eat, which doctors to see, who to connect with online, and where to educate their children. Yet, many Americans don't realize that these choices are illusory at best. By the start of the 21st century, every major industrial sector in the global economy was controlled by no more than five transnational corporations, and in about a third of these sectors, a single company accounted for more than 40 percent of global sales. The available options in food, healthcare, education, transportation, and even online presence are largely constructed by corporations, whose sweeping influence have made them the public face and executive agents of 21st-century capitalism. At What Cost confronts how globalization, financial speculation, monopolies, and control of science and technology have enhanced the ability of corporations and their allies to overwhelm influences of government, family, community, and faith. As corporations manipulate demand through skillful marketing and veto the choices that undermine their bottom line, free consumer choice has all but disappeared, and with it, the personal protections guarding our collective health. At What Cost argues that the world created by 21st-century capitalism is simply not fit to solve our most serious public health problems, from climate change to opioid addiction. However, author and public health expert Nicholas Freudenberg also shows that though the road is steep, human and planetary well-being constitute a powerful mobilizing idea for a new social movement, one that will restore the power of individual voice to our democracy. With impeccably detailed research and an eye towards a better future, At What Cost arms ordinary citizens, activists, and health professionals with an understanding of how we've arrived at the precipice, and what we can do to ensure a healthier collective future.

At what cost?

At what cost? PDF Author: Morris, Rachel
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 1847425550
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 176

Book Description
Since the Conservative government's reform of the law and policy relating to accommodation for Travelling People (Gypsies and Travellers) in 1992, there have been no changes to the legislation, despite a major review of housing law and policy commenced by the current Labour government in 2000. A primary motive given for the 1992 legal reforms was financial: that the cost to the public purse of providing sites for Travelling People was unjustifiably high. Yet no study was ever done into the costs of not providing sites. In addition to exploration of the financial costs experienced by local authorities in the UK, both as landowners and as providers of public services, the book also examines the financial, human and social costs suffered by private landowners, police services and Travelling People themselves. The book places these costs in context both by exploring the process of change to law and policy in this field in 1992, and the issues now raised by the 'Best Value' regime and other new obligations placed on public bodies by human rights and race relations laws. The book will be invaluable reading for practitioners and policy makers in housing, planning, equality issues, education, welfare and policing at local and national levels. It will also be of interest to social policy and social work academics and students, and to Travelling People themselves.

At What Cost?

At What Cost? PDF Author: International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Publisher: IDRC
ISBN: 155250073X
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 97

Book Description
At What Cost? The Economic Impact of Tobacco Use on National Health Systems, Societies, and Individuals

At What Cost?

At What Cost? PDF Author: Michael J. Thibault
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1437985025
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 121

Book Description
In 2008 Congress established the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan (CWC) in response to increasing indications of widespread waste, fraud, and abuse in gov¿t. contracting. The CWC is charged with evaluating and reporting on America¿s wartime contracting for logistics, reconstruction, and security. This Interim Report describes the CWCs work to June 2009, which includes hundreds of meetings and briefings, analysis of existing reports and audits, hearings on Capitol Hill, and factfinding trips to the theaters of operation. This Report highlights some timesensitive issues, especially given the challenges of the drawdown in Iraq and the buildup in Afghanistan. Charts and tables. This is a print on demand report.

Profit... At What Cost?

Profit... At What Cost? PDF Author: Bob Goemans
Publisher: Page Publishing Inc
ISBN: 1646280873
Category : Young Adult Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 380

Book Description
If you were fortunate enough to view the movie Erin Brockovich, then reading What Cost? will bring back memories of environmental wrongdoings. Those who read the first outline of this novel said it should be made into a movie, as it's even more riveting and eye-opening! Are you paying attention, Hollywood? Follow an environmental reporter and her sidekick photographer as they search for the truth in two highly emotional yet mysterious environmental situations: above-normal births of deformed children in a small town in West Virginia and what finally leads to the death of thousands when an unknown bacterium is unleashed in the Midwest. And since the author actually wrote the terms and conditions, awarded and oversaw the progress of a similar contract, as described herein for the cleansing of contaminated soils at a USAF facility (one that could have unleashed an unknown bacterium into the wild), only its termination after its first test results became known, may have saved the earth from similar disastrous events, as described in this novel! DO NOT MISS READING THIS NOVEL!

Clean Air at What Cost?

Clean Air at What Cost? PDF Author: Denise Van Der Kamp
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009152645
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 255

Book Description
Why would political leaders shutter entire industries, decimate local economies, and destroy jobs just to clean up the air?

At what Cost Price Stability?

At what Cost Price Stability? PDF Author: Andrea Beccarini
Publisher: CEPS
ISBN: 9290798130
Category : Inflation (Finance)
Languages : en
Pages : 32

Book Description
With inflation increasing all over the world, central banks have to consider with some care how quickly to re-establish price stability. A key issue in this context is the short-run cost in terms of foregone output and higher unemployment. The aim of this paper is to determine the 'sacrifice ratio' for the Euro Area and for the United States. The main findings are: the cost of reducing inflation is in most cases higher in the US than in the EA. For example, reducing (headline) inflation by 1% point requires a decline of output of 1.4% in the EU, but 2.3% for the US. Considering core inflation, the sacrifice ratio in terms of output is somewhat higher for the Euro Area (around 4) compared to 3.2 for the US. However, the sacrifice ratios in terms of unemployment are always much larger for the US. Reducing headline inflation by 1% requires an increase in unemployment of little more than 1% in the EA, compared to 8% in the US.However, there is also a long-run 'hysterisis' cost that is specific to the Euro Area since the reaction of unemployment to output depends on the state of the economy. During downturns this relationship worsens. This implies that a recession engineered to combat inflation will have an additional cost in terms of lower unemployment later, even after the recovery of the economy.

The Conservation and Presentation of Mosaics: At What Cost?

The Conservation and Presentation of Mosaics: At What Cost? PDF Author: Jeanne Marie Teutonico
Publisher: Getty Publications
ISBN: 1606065335
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 454

Book Description
In recent years, funding for the conservation of cultural heritage has become increasingly difficult to obtain, and this trend shows no sign of changing significantly in the foreseeable future. The twelfth triennial meeting of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, held in Sardinia in October 2014, focused on the theme of cost, broadly considered, relating specifically to the preservation and presentation of the world’s mosaic heritage. This handsome, abundantly illustrated volume provides a comprehensive record of the conference. The volume’s sixty-seven papers and posters, comprising contributions from more than one hundred leading experts in the field, reflect the conference’s principal themes: cost, methods of survey and documentation, conservation and management, education and training, backing materials and techniques, presentation and display, and case studies. Papers are presented either in English, French, or Italian; there are abstracts in English and either French or Italian for all entries. The volume will be of interest to conservators, site managers, and others responsible for conserving the mosaic heritage, especially in these challenging times.

Duty At What Cost?

Duty At What Cost? PDF Author: Michelle Conder
Publisher: Harlequin
ISBN: 0373131739
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 189

Book Description
Imprint/Series: Harlequin Presents -- Category: Passion -- Publication Date: Aug 2013.

At what Cost?

At what Cost? PDF Author: David L. Gleason
ISBN: 9780578183206
Category : Academic achievement
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
Anxiety, depression, and their dangerous manifestations-substance abuse, eating disorders, self-injury and suicide- are increasing student conditions at many competitive high schools. Paradoxically, most of these schools promote themselves as being committed to students' holistic development in academics, athletics and the arts, and in their personal, social, and emotional growth. So why are so many students struggling? Dr. Gleason has investigated these concerns in competitive high schools throughout the United States and around the world, and has found almost complete unanimity in how educators and parents have responded to his interviews. In sum, these caring and dedicated adults fully admit to overscheduling, overworking and, at times, overwhelming their students and teenaged children. This conflict --adults wanting to educate and parent adolescents in healthy and balanced ways, but simultaneously, overscheduling, overworking and, at times, overwhelming them--is at the heart of this book.
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