The Electric Car, Here and Now!

The Electric Car, Here and Now! PDF Author: Benoit Michel
Publisher: Independently Published
ISBN: 9781090121462
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 238

Book Description
Finally, there's a complete work on all the technical and practical aspects of using an electric car! What is its real range? The running cost per mile? Where and how to recharge it? How to extend battery life? How many years can an electric car last? What are its real running and maintenance costs? How do you drive an electric car? The author explains the technology, functioning, and different way of using these new vehicles in language that everyone will understand. But that's not all. The electric car paves the way for the autonomous car and a new way to meet our mobility needs, i.e., "mobility as a service." With that, we are presented with a new world with different road and parking-lot engineering, delivery schemes, and individual travel patterns, but also one in which car dealers and local garages are fated to disappear. Indeed, what will happen to the car market when it is composed primarily of corporate buyers interested only in operating costs and cost price per mile? Motorists, automotive industry professionals, journalists, and political decision-makers will be looking for answers to cope with these radical changes. This book is the first one to tackle all their questions. The electric car revolution is already here, and that's just the beginning!

The Electric Car

The Electric Car PDF Author: Benoît Michel
ISBN: 9782930940199
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
Finally, there's a complete work on all the technical and practical aspects of using an electric car ! What is its real range ? The running cost per mile ? Where and how to recharge it ? How to extend battery life ? How many years can an electric car last ? What are its real running and maintenance costs ? How do you drive an electric car ? The author explains the technology, functioning, and different way of using these new vehicles in language that everyone will understand. But that's not all. The electric car paves the way for the autonomous car and a new way to meet our mobility needs, i. e., "mobility as a service". With that, we are presented with a new world with different road and parking-lot engineering, delivery schemes, and individual travel patterns, but also one in which car dealers and local garages are fated to disappear. This book is the first one to tackle all their questions.

The Electric Car

The Electric Car PDF Author: Michael Hereward Westbrook
Publisher: IET
ISBN: 9780852960134
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 232

Book Description
Considerable work has gone into electric car and battery development in the last ten years, with the prospect of substantial improvements in range and performance in battery cars as well as in hybrids and those using fuel cells. This book covers the development of electric cars, from their early days, to new hybrid models in production. Most of the coverage is focused on the very latest technological issues faced by automotive engineers working on electric cars, as well as the key business factors vital for the successful transfer of electric cars into the mass market.

The Arrival of the Electric Car

The Arrival of the Electric Car PDF Author: Chris Johnston
ISBN: 9781735929408
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 184

Book Description
Are you considering buying an electric vehicle? There are over 25 battery EVs from which to choose including pickup trucks, SUVs and sedans. This book is a comprehensive, easy-to-understand overview of the passenger EV universe including a buyer's guide, preparing to own an EV, history and what we can expect in the future. If you are new to the EV space, searching the Internet can be a bit overwhelming. We wrote this book to be a fun, insightful guide to the fascinating world of electric vehicles.

The Electric Car in America, 1890-1922

The Electric Car in America, 1890-1922 PDF Author: Kerry Segrave
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 1476676712
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 264

Book Description
The electric vehicle seemed poised in 1900 to be a leader in automotive production. Clean, odorless, noiseless and mechanically simple, electrics rarely broke down and were easy to operate. An electric car could be started instantly from the driver's seat; no other machine could claim that advantage. But then it all went wrong. As this history details, the hope and confidence of 1900 collapsed and just two decades later electric cars were effectively dead. They had remained expensive even as gasoline cars saw dramatic price reductions, and the storage battery was an endless source of problems. An increasingly frantic public relations campaign of lies and deceptive advertising could not turn the tide.

The Global Rise of the Modern Plug-In Electric Vehicle

The Global Rise of the Modern Plug-In Electric Vehicle PDF Author: John D. Graham
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1800880138
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 496

Book Description
We may be standing on the precipice of a revolution in propulsion not seen since the internal combustion engine replaced the horse and buggy. The anticipated proliferation of electric cars will influence the daily lives of motorists, the economies of different countries and regions, urban air quality and global climate change. If you want to understand how quickly the transition is likely to occur, and the factors that will influence the predictions of the pace of the transition, this book will be an illuminating read.

Electric Vehicles and the BMW I3

Electric Vehicles and the BMW I3 PDF Author: David Bricknell
ISBN: 9781522004875
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 176

Book Description
This is a book about Electric Vehicles and, in particular, the BMW i3. It covers the performance and technical information useful to the growing Electric Vehicle community that are different to those of an Internal Combustion Engine car, including: Dynamics, Battery, Charging, Motors and Drives, Cooling and Heating, and Range Extender.

The Electric Vehicle Revolution

The Electric Vehicle Revolution PDF Author: Kevin A. Wilson
Publisher: Motorbooks
ISBN: 0760378312
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 178

Book Description
Explore the fascinating, evolving world of electric vehicles, from the first EVs in the Victorian era to their rapid expansion today—and beyond. In The Electric Vehicle Revolution, automotive journalist Kevin Wilson provides a thorough, engaging overview of where EV technology is today, how it got there, and where it’s going. Since the turn of the twenty-first century, EVs have gone from wonky who-cares vehicles like GM’s EV1 and early Teslas to every manufacturer's must-have future. Electric propulsion preceded fossil-fuel cars by decades and even vied for prominence in the early twentieth century auto industry against both steam power and internal combustion engines. From Electrobat (an early New York taxi fleet) through Columbia—which had built 1,000 electric cars before either Henry Ford or Ransom Olds had built a single gasoline car—viable business start-ups in the early auto age were as competitive and innovative as those in early twenty-first century Silicon Valley. But it was not to be for electric cars in the early days of the 1900s, as the auto industry evolved to favor gasoline cars, thanks in part to the influence of the oil industry and the build-out of infrastructure to supply fuel across the country. Gas-powered cars may have won the day, but post-WWII experiments with electric cars continued both within the established auto industry and from outside firms and visionaries, including cars developed by General Electric, Sears, and the Henney Kilowatt, alongside Ford and GM experimentals. Rapidly evolving electronic technology beginning in the 1960s, along with growing concerns about emissions and pollution, set the stage for renewed interest in electric cars. Improved batteries for cellphones/laptops, electronic controls, computing, and beyond provided the impetus for a wave of more sophisticated and feasible electric vehicles, including GM’s EV1 and the first Teslas. Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors proves the auto industry disruptor and sets the stage for responses by the mainstream auto industry, including Nissan’s Leaf, Chevrolet’s Bolt, and a host of high-end EVs from company’s like Audi, Jaguar, and the like. Rival start-ups step in as well and government incentives, subsidies, and regulatory demands all drive unprecedented development. Today, the rush to electrify has nations and companies competing to see who can declare the earliest end to internal combustion engines, but this radical transition won’t be as easy as throwing a switch. The Electric Vehicle Revolution thoroughly explores the challenges of infrastructure, battery and vehicle tech, and the cost to consumers, as well as the long phase-in as EVs are set to replace existing gas cars over decades. Whether you embrace EVs or have gasoline in your veins, The Electric Vehicle Revolution provides a fascinating, engaging, and stunningly illustrated overview of where the car world is today and where it’s headed for the future.

The Electric Vehicle

The Electric Vehicle PDF Author: Gijs Mom
Publisher: JHU Press
ISBN: 1421412683
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 448

Book Description
Winner of the Engineer-Historian Award from the International History and Heritage Committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot Award given by the Society of Automotive Historians Recent attention to hybrid cars that run on both gasoline and electric batteries has made the electric car an apparent alternative to the internal combustion engine and its attendant environmental costs and geopolitical implications. Few people realize that the electric car—neither a recent invention nor a historical curiosity—has a story as old as that of the gasoline-powered automobile, and that at one time many in the nascent automobile industry believed battery-powered engines would become the dominant technology. In both Europe and America, electric cars and trucks succeeded in meeting the needs of a wide range of consumers. Before World War II, as many as 30,000 electric cars and more than 10,000 electric trucks plied American roads; European cities were busy with, electrically propelled fire engines, taxis, delivery vans, buses, heavy trucks and private cars. Even so, throughout the century-long history of electric propulsion, the widespread conviction it was an inferior technology remained stubbornly in place, an assumption mirrored in popular and scholarly memory. In The Electric Vehicle, Gijs Mom challenges this view, arguing that at the beginning of the automobile age neither the internal combustion engine nor the battery-powered vehicle enjoyed a clear advantage. He explores the technology and marketing/consumer-ratio faction relationship over four "generations" of electric-vehicle design, with separate chapters on privately owned passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Mom makes comparisons among European countries and between Europe and America. He finds that the electric vehicle offered many advantages, among them greater reliability and control, less noise and pollution. He also argues that a nexus of factors—cultural (underpowered and less rugged, electric cars seemed "feminine" at a time when most car buyers were men), structural (the shortcomings of battery technology at the time), and systemic (the infrastructural problems of changing large numbers of batteries)—ultimately gave an edge to the internal combustion engine. One hopes, as a new generation of electric vehicles becomes a reality, The Electric Vehicle offers a long-overdue reassessment of the place of this technology in the history of street transportation.


Jolt! PDF Author: James Billmaier
Publisher: Advantage Media Group
ISBN: 159932220X
Category : Electric automobiles
Languages : en
Pages : 237

Book Description
The author explains why he believes the electric vehicle is going to rise to the top of the personal automobile market, discusses the benefits of electric cars, and considers the possible role of the electric vehicle in the transformation of the United States from an oil-based to an electric-powered economy.
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