Network Management Fundamentals

Network Management Fundamentals PDF Author: Alexander Clemm
Publisher: Fundamentals
Category : Computer networks
Languages : en
Pages : 560

Book Description
This book provides you with an accessible overview of network management covering management not just of networks themselves but also of services running over those networks. It also explains the different technologies that are used in network management and how they relate to each other.--[book cover].

Network Programmability and Automation Fundamentals

Network Programmability and Automation Fundamentals PDF Author: Khaled Abuelenain
Publisher: Cisco Press
ISBN: 0135184266
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 2821

Book Description
Modernize and optimize network management with APIs and automation Legacy network management approaches don't scale adequately and can't be automated well. This guide will help meet tomorrow's challenges by adopting network programmability based on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Using these techniques, you can improve efficiency, reliability, and flexibility; simplify implementation of high-value technologies; automate routine administrative and security tasks; and deploy services far more rapidly. Four expert authors help you transition from a legacy mindset to one based on solving problems with software. They explore today's emerging network programmability and automation ecosystem; introduce each leading programmable interface; and review the protocols, tools, techniques, and technologies that underlie network programmability. You'll master key concepts through hands-on examples you can run using Linux, Python, Cisco DevNet sandboxes, and other easily accessible tools. This guide is for all network architects, engineers, operations, and software professionals who want to integrate programmability into their networks. It offers valuable background for Cisco DevNet certification—and skills you can use with any platform, whether you have software development experience or not. Master core concepts and explore the network programmability stack Manage network software and run automation scripts in Linux environments Solve real problems with Python and its Napalm and Nornir automation frameworks Make the most of the HTTP protocol, REST architectural framework, and SSH Encode your data with XML, JSON, or YAML Understand and build data models using YANG that offer a foundation for model-based network programming Leverage modern network management protocols, from gRPC and gNMI to NETCONF and RESTCONF Meet stringent service provider KPIs in large-scale, fast-changing networks Program Cisco devices running IOS XE, IOS XR, and NX-OS as well as Meraki, DNA Center, and Webex platforms Program non-Cisco platforms such as Cumulus Linux and Arista EOS Go from “zero to hero” with Ansible network automation Plan your next steps with more advanced tools and technologies

Fundamentals of Communications and Networking

Fundamentals of Communications and Networking PDF Author: Michael G. Solomon
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 1284060152
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 512

Book Description
Today's networks are required to support an increasing array of real-time communication methods. Video chat, real-time messaging, and always-connected resources put demands on networks that were previously unimagined. The Second Edition of Fundamentals of Communications and Networking helps readers better understand today's networks and the way they support the evolving requirements of different types of organizations. It discusses the critical issues of designing a network that will meet an organization's performance needs and discusses how businesses use networks to solve business problems. Using numerous examples and exercises, this text incorporates hands-on activities to prepare readers to fully understand and design modern networks and their requirements. Key Features of the Second Edition: - Introduces network basics by describing how networks work - Discusses how networks support the increasing demands of advanced communications - Illustrates how to map the right technology to an organization's needs and business goals - Outlines how businesses use networks to solve business problems, both technically and operationally.

Network Management Systems Essentials

Network Management Systems Essentials PDF Author: Divakara K. Udupa
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies
ISBN: 9780070657663
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 588

Book Description
The volume presents extensive coverage of network management concepts, standards, and architectures for commercial technology - plus numerous exercises, references, and illustrations to enhance your understanding of the material. Ideal for computer and network professionals as well as network end users, this book will serve as both an on-the-job reference and an easy-to-use tutorial on network management fundamentals.

Storage Area Network Fundamentals

Storage Area Network Fundamentals PDF Author: Meeta Gupta
Publisher: Cisco Press
ISBN: 9781587050657
Category : Computer networks
Languages : en
Pages : 332

Book Description
Storage Area Network Fundamentals looks at the various areas and technologies associated with SANs, the available SAN technology, its limitations, expenditures and ways to minimize them, and the forthcoming technology, so that organizations can deploy real operational storage in data centers without further delay. Designed as an introduction to SANs, Storage Area Network Fundamentals develops an understanding of SAN basics and how to plan, implement, and manage a storage area network. The book covers the different topologies, protocols, and products required to implement and manage efficient SANs, as well as questions to test the knowledge imparted to the reader.

Network Management Know It All

Network Management Know It All PDF Author: Sebastian Abeck
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
ISBN: 0123745985
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 402

Book Description
Network management refers to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that pertain to the operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of networked systems, which includes controlling, planning, allocating, deploying, coordinating, and monitoring the resources of a network. This book brings all of the elements of network management together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases. It introduces network management, explains the basics, describes the protocols, and discusses advanced topics, by the best and brightest experts in the field. It is a quick and efficient way to bring valuable content together from leading experts in the field while creating a one-stop-shopping opportunity for customers to receive the information they would otherwise need to round up from separate sources. * Chapters contributed by recognized experts in the field cover theory and practice of network management, allowing the reader to develop a new level of knowledge and technical expertise. * This book's up-to-date coverage of network quality of service issues facilitates learning and lets the reader remain current and fully informed from multiple viewpoints. * Presents methods of analysis and problem-solving techniques, enhancing the reader's grasp of the material and ability to implement practical solutions. * Use of examples illustrate core network management concepts for enhanced comprehension.

Storage Networking Protocol Fundamentals

Storage Networking Protocol Fundamentals PDF Author: James Long
Publisher: Cisco Press
ISBN: 0133490556
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 554

Book Description
A comparative analysis of Ethernet, TCP/IP, and Fibre Channel in the context of SCSI Introduces network administrators to the requirements of storage protocols Explains the operation of network protocols to storage administrators Compares and contrasts the functionality of Ethernet, TCP/IP, and Fibre Channel Documents the details of the major protocol suites, explains how they operate, and identifies common misunderstandings References the original standards and specifications so you can get a complete understanding of each protocol Helps you understand the implications of network design choices Discusses advanced network functionality such as QoS, security, management, and protocol analysis Corporations increasingly depend on computer and communication technologies to remain competitive in the global economy. Customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and e-mail are a few of the many applications that generate new data every day. Effectively storing, managing, and accessing that data is a primary business challenge in the information age. Storage networking is a crucial component of the solution to meet that challenge. Written for both storage administrators who need to learn more about networking and network administrators who need to learn more about storage, Storage Networking Protocol Fundamentals is a concise introduction to storage networking protocols. The book picks up where Storage Networking Fundamentals left off by focusing on the networking protocols that underlie modern open systems: block-oriented storage networks. The first part of the book introduces you to the field of storage networking and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. The second part compares networked storage technologies, including iSCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface over IP) and Fibre Channel. It also examines in detail each of the major protocol suites layer-by-layer within the OSI reference model. The third part discusses advanced functionalities of these technologies, such as quality of service (QoS), load-balancing functions, security, management, and protocol analysis. You can read this book cover to cover or use it as a reference, directly accessing the particular topics of interest to you. “Storage networking is a critical concept for today’s businesses, and this book provides a unique and helpful way to better understand it. Storage networking is also continuously evolving, and as such this book may be seen as an introduction to the information technology infrastructures of the future.” —from the foreword by Claudio DeSanti, vice-chairman of the ANSI INCITS T11 Technical Committee

A Practical Introduction to Enterprise Network and Security Management

A Practical Introduction to Enterprise Network and Security Management PDF Author: Bongsik Shin
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000418162
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 575

Book Description
A Practical Introduction to Enterprise Network and Security Management, Second Edition, provides a balanced understanding of introductory and advanced subjects in both computer networking and cybersecurity. Although much of the focus is on technical concepts, managerial issues related to enterprise network and security planning and design are explained from a practitioner’s perspective. Because of the critical importance of cybersecurity in today’s enterprise networks, security-related issues are explained throughout the book, and four chapters are dedicated to fundamental knowledge. Challenging concepts are explained so readers can follow through with careful reading. This book is written for those who are self-studying or studying information systems or computer science in a classroom setting. If used for a course, it has enough material for a semester or a quarter. FEATURES Provides both theoretical and practical hands-on knowledge and learning experiences for computer networking and cybersecurity Offers a solid knowledge base for those preparing for certificate tests, such as CompTIA and CISSP Takes advantage of actual cases, examples, industry products, and services so students can relate concepts and theories to practice Explains subjects in a systematic and practical manner to facilitate understanding Includes practical exercise questions that can be individual or group assignments within or without a classroom Contains several information-rich screenshots, figures, and tables carefully constructed to solidify concepts and enhance visual learning The text is designed for students studying information systems or computer science for the first time. As a textbook, this book includes hands-on assignments based on the Packet Tracer program, an excellent network design and simulation tool from Cisco. Instructor materials also are provided, including PowerPoint slides, solutions for exercise questions, and additional chapter questions from which to build tests.

The Calculus Tutoring Book

The Calculus Tutoring Book PDF Author: Carol Ash
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
ISBN: 9780780310445
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
This book fills an educational void by adapting unique classroom-tested techniques that students find most congenial...that strip the shroud of mystery from an esoteric subject...that prepare students for applications of calculus in later courses.

Storage Networking Fundamentals

Storage Networking Fundamentals PDF Author: Marc Farley
Publisher: Cisco Press
ISBN: 9781587051623
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 453

Book Description
Unlike networking technology, where there is already a great deal of literature available, many professionals still need to understand the basic building blocks of storage networking. This book provides vendor-neutral, independent analysis and terminology.
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